If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

Its just like hollywood... Anythings possible man.

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Denial the first signs of addiction. lol :)

5982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hear alot of talk about innovation. Its not always how people should think. Yea add new things, but not make things so off hand that it just wouldnt fit the scene. Alot of games lose the atmosphere they once had with there first hit because of that. Once you find that people love something you dont always change it, you expand it.

GOW2 looks as promising as GOW1 plus more.

5982d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tariu-Kun I can agree with you. We are all looking for the best piece of Sh*t we can find. Its just some sh*t stinks more than the other.

5985d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Focused more on daily lifes "not" meaning Daily life > Gaming.

Like I said Sony is focusing on more than just gaming on the PSP, Like the GPS and picture taker. Its not like they are forgetting about it as a handheld gaming system. I think people would love having features like that along with the games for the handheld. Its not hurting the developers at all.

Handhelds have a different opportunity than at home consoles. Since you are able to take them to...

5985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea I agree that the High Def would kill the battery life. But if they did add a High Def screen, I would hope they would change it where you could change it into different power modes. So that you could tone down the resolution and brightness to save battery life while your on the road. But at home you would be able to plug it in a power supply to get full power.

5985d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know it be somethin to have to think about. Maybe new handhelds should support time cards and dialing pads. Or even have it automatically dial numbers by voice? But still keep gaming more primary than just a cell phone.

But they need to make the next handhelds focused on peoples daily lifes more than just gameing entertainment. Which I seen Sony try to do with the PSP some by the GPS feature. Its a clue to what handhelds are starting to direct towards.

5985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only because the game is so wack that its only worth 6 or so to rent. You be lucky if I even do that. I played the demo it was so horrible that it made me not even want watch the movie for some odd reason.

This is one reason I will never ever ever buy a game right away around the time of the release of the movie.

5986d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They all went into hiding with Tupac.

5987d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont think it was meant to be funny, as much as it is to be just give people something to do while they are preparing. I didnt find it too funny but more true on what to do.

Comic books arent always comical either, but just a little entertaining for the moment. Its just fun little tips so lightin up. I bet you guys wipe your asses with iron sheets.

5995d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

JRPG or WRPG I like them both. Its just sometimes depending on the mood Im in I feel like playing one over the othere.

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the super Nintendo but the Wii? No, I think it has done a great job at making sells though. But for containing th entertainment its limited.

5999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hackers hurt alot of online games. Like one othere very popular game "Halo 2". It used to be fun until the mods and stand-by made it into matchmaking. I have never been modded on Halo 3 or COD4 let alone on the Xbox 360.

There is pros and cons to mods.... But when it comes to serious players in matchmaking, it becomes a headache to us all.

5999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok let me put my 2 cents in, so you guys so you get an understanding of my point here. GTA4 is not GTA6 they call it GTA4 for a reason. I cant believe you guys actually agree with some of the stupid crap these people say in there comments lol. If you start doing this its just going to confuse people.

Also GTA 3 was released 2001--- Gta Vice City 2002----- Gta San andreas 2004. Now if the 2 Download contents are going to be near as big as San andreas and Vice City you can pret...

5999d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I cant wait to get this game Im all setup. But I got to say it much more fun to watch me play this game than that guy. Also he sucks at driving :P.

5999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it depends what you like. I honestly dont enjoy COD4 that much anymore. I'll get that urge to play it for awhile sometimes but ends of feeling repeative to me.

They did great work on the for the style of there FPS. But its just not the style I like to play much.

6010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still getting the DLC version not anything that will effect me. I dont ever use split screen because it sucks. I'll stick to going online. PS3 fanboys need not to flatter themselfs with this. Because come down to it, this is not a big deal. But they will anyway to manipulate people into believeing PS3 version is far superior to Xbox 360s.

You guys keep using words like "suffer" when you talk about the frame rates in Xbox 360s version. When if you look back they say t...

6017d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets see if they add better comunication abilities into there network. Because communication is the biggest thing online has to offer. Private chat is one of my most used features on Xbox Live. May sound wierd but I keep saying it, private chat is one main reason I havent got a PS3 yet in all honesty lol.. Phones dont cut it because there is limitations when it comes down to going the route.

6020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think 2008 will be my time finnally to actually purchase a PS3. Im not a fanboy of sony, actually I have been a fanboy of the Xbox 360 since the launch for a good reason. The PS3 is actually pumping in more entertainment this year. Im not going to abandon my Xbox 360 though if thats what your thinking.

PS3 would be a great console to get beside my Xbox 360. I want the GTA IV exclusive DLC, Fable 2, Gears Of War 2, Halo Wars, Splinter Cell:Conviction, Huxely, Too Human, and other...

6034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could also be caused by damaged disc you know. Im sure we all have had Disc error before from tampering with the disc too much. But most the time you can just wash it off unless you scratched it deeply.

6037d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment